Wednesday, October 28, 2009

all mixed up (yeah, 311 style, LOL)

Your horoscope - Week of October 26, 2009

The next 2 1/2 years are going to bring success, because you'll be more ambitious than usual. Saturn moves into Libra this week & begins the process of changing signs. It will complete this process in 2010 & then remain in Libra for another couple of years. You'll begin to feel as though you have more control over your life. You can now aim for those dreams, & you have an excellent chance of manifesting them. Your love life looks fun, especially if you're single & hoping to meet someone special.
LOL! Can't wait for all that, then! But I'm worried about the love life part. Especially when it involves a possible Venus in Gemini + Mars in Libra charmer. :( I was with someone whose Venus was in Aquarius + Mars in Libra for quite a while, & well, you all probably know how that turned out. If only the one I want whose Venus is in Cancer (complementing my Moon) & Mars in Virgo (complementing my Mercury + Saturn) will want me in the same intensity & not wait for another fiery Moon in Aries or Leo phase to see me again, maybe then I'll be happy, LOL!

OK, whatev, enough with astrospeak. :P

I'm losing valuable sleep, though, with the thought that I'm so caught unprepared for Halloween. Looks like the last Mercury retrograde in my sign has affected me more than what I'd want to admit. But at least I'm still here, & yes, I'll be reading this Saturday to celebrate, from 10am-8pm, at my newest haunt. If you've lost track & want to find out where to reach me now, just e-mail me at sp [dot] lovecraft [at] gmail [dot] com & we can work on your timeslot. I hope I can go see Techy Romantics right after, especially with their new album on the way, yay.

There's so much to blab about, & I'm afraid I've been exhausting myself silly at Twitter & Plurk. It's easier to access them, you see, & all of a sudden, I'm being ushered into this huge esoteric community (based in the Northern Hemisphere, sadly) with wondrous resources & personalities. I almost can't keep up. Then I'm also going through my birth chart again, & decluttering (it's taking me forever, I know), & responding to other patrons via email (thanks so much, ladies). But don't worry, before Venus goes back into Scorpio again (my actual placement; with Mars also in Scorpio LOL gudlak na lang senyo) everything will be in place. Even if it's going to be creepy, I'll also be discussing more of my personal cards, especially how they leave me stumped more often than not. Like today, the Empress had to pop up & smile at me knowingly, right after I was contemplating on the Star (in the Near Future position, whoopee!) & 6 of Wands (Long-Term Potential), but not before I had to look at Death more closely. I was using my Tarot of the Witches deck, btw (my first ever). I'm trying my damnest not to worry here.

Speaking of Death, I still have to thank Paolo for the super awesome belated birthday gift (Madame Xanadu: Disenchanted FTW!) & I love how Death of The Endless experiences a tarot reading, courtesy of Madame Xanadu, who gets to save herself from her own demise because of it. LOL. I want to post the actual cards that were drawn, but I need to make a more coherent post.

There's so much coming up in a bit! But first I gotta get refreshed for my day job, ugh. Come back later for real updates! Thanks so much, everyone, for not giving up on me just yet.