Hello again. I'm back. It's the first day of the last month of the year & I want to make it count, even if I've been busy meeting new people & recovering from fatigue + stress since my last post. It's also my Venus return again, & this has yet to be the best one yet. I fell in love once more & I've never felt more alive deep down, despite feeling quite dead before & during my period. Now that my time of the month is over, I'm still having trouble bouncing back, & I keep forgetting I have sleeping pills at my disposal, but I'm glad I've been able to bond with my brother again after a long month of hardly nothing, except for some fleeting TV moments, while watching my favorite Adventure Time series & this special on Hitler on NatGeo.
I'm also getting a new Tarot deck that has been haunting me for 2 years now, also around the time of my Venus return. I'm actually very happy that I'm getting it from a loving, wise source, considering how dark the deck is, to begin with, especially when I encountered it for the first time, but it gave me such an insightful reading about myself & my future as a New Age grrl. I was supposed to have it earlier last month, but with Mercury going bonkers, I waited patiently for things to simmer down. I'm excited to get a hold of it this month. I'll let you all know what it is. My very first card from it was the 8 of Wands, & it felt wonderful seeing how that depiction was, describing my growth. I also got the Queen of Wands, who looked more like a flower child/hippie singing folk songs probably. You all know I listen to much heavier stuff at the end of the day. & then I got the 5 of Cups, reversed. My life has never been the same ever since. Then after another encounter with the same deck, this time from a different owner, I knew it was meant to be mine, too. I was described as a gorgeous Hierophant who looks more like the High Priestess, & can I just say that the Empress card looks exactly like my inner Venus (in Scorpio), only tamer & more foreboding?
Ever since the last Full Moon in Gemini, which felt more like a dark moon than anything, I've been keeping close to home, more to myself. I miss my new party friends, whom I can just hang out with openly, without being bombarded by astrology, Tarot, or dream interpretation questions, enjoying music & drinks & good food. But I'll be back. & I know I have to see my regular clients before Christmas. I'll try to schedule things for next week. The last Mercury retrograde was actually bad. I had to call off all my appointments & now for the life of me, I can't remember where I actually placed my fucking house keys. & my room's still a glorious mess. & my hair needs urgent TLC. But I'm fine. & I'm still mothering a happy smart female puppy. I have groceries to pick up in a bit, now that I'm temporarily the matriarch of my household. Ugh. I miss the beach sooo bad. But I need to take care of my home just a bit longer, so please bear with me.
Speaking of home, I'm being forced to look after my body all the more now, too. I scored a lot of pretty thingamajigs when Venus was in my sign Libra, but now that Venus is in Scorpio, I'm now on a desperate pricey move to make sure my skin clears (must end this whole blotched-face drama!) & my hair recovers. I'm exploring this whole big mall much closer to home & I daresay I'm enjoying a lot of great finds there, & I'm quite happy. I've even had my toenails repainted red, the only color (aside from black) that looks good on me & makes my feet look clean. People associate red negatively with something else, but I won't care anymore. Deal with it. It feels great to fall in love with myself & with Life all over again. October has been horrible, even early last month, when things were shaken here, no thanks to Saturn in Scorpio, but the last Venus-Saturn conjunct did prove to be magical (& sexy!) for me. I hope by the time my Venus return ends, I'll be really more of who & what I am supposed to be. I just want to lose all the weight I've gained in the last couple of years, but I'll just wait until tomorrow to get started all over again. I want more energy.
I hope all is well with you. If you have any questions about my future Tarot reading schedules within the Makati CBD, please email me at sp.lovecraft[at]gmail[dot]com anyway, so we can have things sorted out. I'd love to hear from you!
19 hours ago