I’m currently reading The Little Book of Detox Tips but I haven’t really started on detoxifying myself as suggested by the author yet. I’m loving the exercise & stress-management reminders, though. & I could use a whole box of Twinings camomile tea.
Sometimes we take ourselves for granted, thinking we could do so much more for others if we keep on denying ourselves that much-needed rest, relaxation, & recreation. We forget the irony of how taking care of ourselves first & foremost (while serving others anyway) will enable us to become more pleasant & productive people along the way. The Tarot can remind us exactly just that, but I’ve learned the hard way that readers like me should practise what they preach, so to speak, so as to reassure & guide querents toward rejuvenation. This is an excellent read, especially if you’re looking for no-fuss recipes to (re)discover. I hope the author doesn’t mind me posting some of his tips here on how to relax, along with a few notes of my own (in italics), especially that I intend to give copies of the book to some lucky people for Christmas, hehe:
1) Holidays
Taking a long holiday can create almost more stress than staying at work. It requires complex planning & then you may worry while you’re away about the work you left behind & the pile that will be waiting for you when you get back. If this happens, it’s often more beneficial to take 3- or 4-day breaks. But don’t take your mobile phone & laptop with you, or leave a dozen contact numbers with the people at the office.
Whatever you do, stay safe while you’re away, & please notify at least one key person where you’re going & when will you be possibly coming back. Then again, don’t worry too much. Make the most out of your well-deserved vacation leave! Sip a piña colada or some champagne or even just a cup of hot unsweetened tea for me!
2) Learn a new skill
Join workshops on just about anything that interests you (whether it be painting, acting, singing, dancing, pottery, photography, cooking, writing) or learn a foreign language. These are great ways of meeting non-work-related people & using a different set of skills.
Workshops cost a rather considerable amount of money nowadays, but if you look around, you might just find something that suits both your fancy & your budget. Or, why not DIY? Get books & DVDs about the subjects you’re interested in, which are always pretty good investments, trust me. Just don’t let your newfound interest & paraphernalia go to waste by not committing to it. Remember, you have to like something enough to really pursue it, just like what yours truly did with Tarot.
3) Involve the family
If you have a family then involve them in your leisure activities too. It doesn’t matter whether it’s following a football team, going camping, doing jigsaw puzzles or playing Scrabble together. Activities like these not only represent a huge investment in your physical health, but are an important prop for the emotional health & wellbeing of your family unit.
For those of you who have no family members close by for some reason, or whose family doesn’t share your interests, like in my case, well, find friends who can help you have fun. If you don’t have anyone talaga, well, let’s go back to step #2. What I did was I joined a health club. Even if my production assistant can’t be with me at all times & I still haven’t made new steady friends in the establishment ever since, I’m still trying to make full use of my membership solo flight. Why? Because yes, it costs much, & I think I’ve come a long way to not just drop out of the program.
4) Make sure you’re really having fun
Many people, even when they do make time in their busy schedules for leisure activities, are so afraid that they might be seen to be enjoying themselves that they spend their time doing punishing exercise regimes, obsessional competitive games, or ‘team-building’ activities. This is NOT leisure for pleasure & does nothing to improve your health. In fact, the reverse is true.
Well, happiness can be relative. Sometimes what people think to be downtime is doing something invigorating, like partying late at night, boozing & smoking one’s life away. Then what can be considered "work" is going to church, praying & fasting for days. It’s your business, I really don’t care. My idea of fun nowadays can be stupid — going crazy at arcades, browsing bookstores & record bars, catching a movie at the theater, indulging in really fatty stuff, getting a massage, in a very random order. It’s tiring, costly, & toxic in a way — but I still do it all with much gusto. Talk about hedonism. Seriously, all I ask from the heavens for now is a good pair of in-line skates so I can go back to the runway in my childhood home & get lost in the empty golf course + firing range + breakwater watching the sunset, being at peace with myself & the world, while I can’t be with the one I love to share my ultimate Zen moment with yet.
Tune in for more excerpts & commentaries. Tell me what you think. For now, ENJOY. We’ve only got a few days left before Christmas & the New Year *groan* so let’s make the most of things before rushing for preparations. Happy heydays!
6 hours ago